Your brain is lying

Rachel C.
2 min read4 days ago

Stop. You are not unlovable. Your brain is lying to you.

You don’t have to be the best at anything to be worthy of love. Throw that idea away.

You did not “deserve” the bad things that have come your way, and you certainly are not too broken to be loved or repaired. There was no crime you committed, no sin so deep, nothing so horribly wretched that made you deserving of the things that have haunted you.

Sometimes life just…is.

You are not some prototype waiting to be a perfect human being one day; you are wonderfully breathing and living and singing as you should. This isn’t some state of purgatory where you are waiting for your turn to be fixed, molded into something so unrecognizable that it is no longer you.

This is you now, and you will still be you later.

You deserve to be loved in the skin you live in, in all your flaws and tear-stained pillows. You deserve to be adored, to have someone so crazy about you that you start believing that there must be something alight within you, something that attracts such beautiful people.

You are not a rough draft, a sketch before the watercolors, or a book with empty pages.

You are already a masterpiece in itself, a creation so finely molded that the heavens sing when they look at you.

There is nothing you can do that will make you “worthy” because you already are. Take yourself off the hamster wheel of no fulfillment.

Come, step outside.

There is a whole world out here waiting for you.

